Last January 25, 2010, I received a letter of confirmation for my attendance at the HTC Sense Workshop. The HTC Sense workshop event was held on Thursday, January 27, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Mahogany Function Room of Mandarin Oriental Manila in Makati City.
For the HTC Sense workshop, representatives from HTC including Mark Serio (Manager-Philippines), Weng Tan (Product Manager-Singapore) and Rhian Ramos (HTC ambassador-Philippines) were there to tell us more about HTC sense and sense.com.
The workshop started with a brief introduction about the HTC Sense Workshop from Mr. Serio. He also welcomed Mr. Tan who in turn walked us through what Sense 2.0 is and is not and what Sense.com can do. Finally, Ms. Ramos talked about how HTC Desire HD has helped her in her everyday life.
The meat of the workshop if I may say so can be credited to Mr. Tan's presentation. I like the idea that the premise of the workshop is based on a typical businessman's experience. Mr. Tan gave examples how the Sense 2.0 and Sense.com can help a professional perform his work efficiently from the moment the client enters the airport until he lands and travels to a foreign country and finally to do his work.
In a moment, I will be giving a brief summary on HTC Sense 2.0 and Sense.com features were discussed to us during the HTC Sense Workshop but for now let me talk about my impressions of the HTC Sense Workshop event.
1. The HTC Sense Workshop event started one hour late than it was supposed to. I was already very embarrassed to arrive late but the guests before me had to wait at least an hour before the event started. There was no explanation provided as to why the event started very late. If there was I was not able to catch the reason.
2. The food did not taste good. I am sorry but it really did not agree with my stomach. I am thinking the reason I had to unswallow the food is because seafood becomes unfresh faster than other kinds of food and it did not agree with my digestive system.
3. There were a lot of opportunities to network and to talk to the guests during the waiting time. However, I could not find people from HTC who are available to discuss with. When I arrived there were waiters at the back and cocktail tables on the side but there were nobody around I could identify- a live person - who can serve as host or hostess to accommodate the guests' questions during the waiting time.
4. While eating I was asking around the people I see talking to Mr. Serio if they were connected to HTC and apparently they were not professionally (they only mentioned that they know him as a friend of a friend and so on). I proactively talked to the representative who was getting our contact details. She was going around to get the list of names and number who would like to get the promised discount for the HTC phones. If the HTC Sense Seminar was a marketing tool and I guess I did not feel that it was being advertised enough. I do appreciate Mr. Tan's attention to existing clients. He even deferred for a short while a request to have his picture taken because he was still talking to a client. It shows to me the importance and priority he was giving to HTC's patrons and if that was me I would feel really valued as a customer.
5. Ms. Ramos and Mr. Serio was also mingling around at the end of the event. Although Ms. Ramos had to leave earlier, I appreciate that she stayed to answer some questions after the HTC workshop. My impression of Mr. Serio was that he was very accommodating and he entertained questions from the guests. His demeanor showed that he was open and friendly and I actually felt like buying HTC because of him.
Anyway, the purpose of the comments above is to give the author's experience and perspective about her own experience of the HTC Sense event. It does not reflect the group's perception nor does it reflect the entirety of the HTC Sense Workshop. It only shows how I see and view what happened to me during the workshop.
Part 2 of this review will discuss the main purpose of the HTC Sense workshop which is to learn something about Sense 2.0 and Sense.com. However, since Part 1 is already long, I will reserve part 2 for tomorrow.
See you soon!
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