Out of her generosity, she will be awarding this limited edition cookbook from Nestle's Centennial Celebration to one lucky winner of Security Blanket Cookbook Giveaway. This cookbook as Vance described it is for "those who don't know how to cook yet--but would love to learn as well as those who already know how to cook yet wanted to learn more".
I rarely join contests giveaways nowadays feeling that the spirit of contests have been tainted. Instead of having that good clean fun of showing our support for products we truly patronize, it has for me become what the message of the song Price Tag said "when the sale comes first and the truth comes second".
(To watch more covers from Karmin Music, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ6L6sC6QTU&NR=1)
We try to convince companies how much we like the product but do we really use them or are we just after the freebies and prize? As I actually support Nestle and even tried their 14 Days of Fitness Cereals, I feel that having the limited edition cookbook from Nestle's Centennial Celebration will provide me more opportunities to show my support to the company and of course to the author of this up and coming food blog http://angtakawko.blogspot.com/. Even the name of the blog inspires you to just have fun with food.
For my take on Nestle Fitnesse Cereals, you can check:
For details on how you can join this wonderful contest, check out
May the lucky blogger win...
thanks for joining my mini-giveaway ia! good luck!