Just want to share my short experience in attending Fashion Week. Thanks to L'oreal Shampoo's generosity my beautiful sib of www.momoholics.com and my pretty momma was able to attend 2011 Fashion Week.the
It would be the first for everyone, so we decided to be fashionably late. True enough when we arrived at SMX Mall of Asia, the show has already started. We were just supposed to stay at the back of the stage but apparently people are already seated for the spot reserved for L'oreal guests so the three of us managed to cramp ourselves in two seats. Thanks to good genes from my mom!

So my experience though brief was still an opportunity to participate in a world something different from where I normally come from. Watching Fashion Week 2011 stirred up those little girl fantasies of mine of wanting to be a supermodel.

On the other hand, when the cocktail party started I felt out of place and a stranger. My feet brought me to the exhibit of cameras (well I thought it was an exhibit turns out to be all cameras was on sale) and so I may enjoy Fashion Week 2011 once in awhile but I guess that's all there is to it. Something I enjoy to watch with all the avant-garde designs and latest fashion trends wondering if there will come a time that people would actually wear the clothes I see in the runway.

Enough has been said for something I witnessed so briefly. Hopefully next time, I have my own invitation front seat!!! Yeah to think is to create. Thanks again L'oreal and Fashion Week for a magnificent night.

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