Calling Events bloggers who would like to join the press conference for the Biggest Car Show Event at Manila Ocean Park - Rev, Drift & Drive.
To give you a preview of Rev, Drift & Drive press conference, attending this Biggest Car Show event happening at Manila Ocean Park will give you details on the highlights of the said 3-day event such as how to join the last man standing contest, information on the die-cast car collection and other hot events happening at the Metro this Summer 2011.
The Rev. Drift & Drive press conference is slated on April 18, 2011 at the Manila Ocean Park. To receive an official invite for Rev, Drift & Drive as an events blogger kindly e-mail the following details today at ia.adam.lim(at) gmail(dot)com :
Full Name
blog' url
contact details: cellphone number/landline/e-mail address
Once I have your details by today, you will receive an e-mail confirmation and sms message from me for further details. Please note the invitation is open for the blogger only.
Hope to see you guys there soon!
Hi Ia! Thanks for the invites =)